ARCHIVE COPY of the KeeneFest Attendees 2003 Checklist

Note: If there is any question about your ability to attend the Festival, please let us know immediately. The board has approved a refund policy as follows: In the event of withdrawal before July 1, 50% of fees paid may be refunded. From July 1 on, no refund will be made except in the case of personal or immediate family emergency, on an individually determined basis.

Added 7/24/2003:

Added 7/17/2003:

Updated 7/10/2003:

  1. A reminder that you are expected to know the music well before you arrive in New York. You must know the music to be sung in Church (Durufle, Elgar, Ireland); at a performance level before you arrive.
  2. A reminder also that you must provide your own scores for all the repertoire. Maestro Keene has provided the following information about the preferred/required scores/editions for this summer's Festival:
  3. Lodging information: Given the economic conditions and decreased tourism, bargains abound in hotel rates, and there are numerous sources online for finding the right hotel for your needs. Please check our NYC Hotel List for some suggested sources. Note for your hotel search that the Church of the Ascension is located in Greenwich Village-on Fifth Avenue at 10th Street, just above Washington Square, in the area of New York University.
  4. [Item about space still available removed 7/24/2003]
  5. How to schedule a lesson: Singers: to arrange for a voice lesson with Beverly Myers, please contact her directly at or by phone at 212-279-8248.

(Monitor this page for updates!)